Website Content

The Organisation Administrator manages the following Website Content which can be customised for your organisation:

  • Home Page
  • Privacy Statement
  • Terms and Conditions

To manage Website Content:

  1. From the main Dashboard select Administration.
  2. From the System section, select Content Management.

    The Content Management view displays.

  3. Select the relevant Website Content from the list, followed by Edit Website Content from the toolbar.

    The Edit Website Content pop-up displays to the right.
  4. Edit/Format the text as required.

    Note - You can also copy and paste into the Content box.
  5. For further formatting choices select Options .
    See - Formatting for more information.
  6. The Home page includes a Display Options section, these settings define which Workflows/Guidelines display on the Home page:

    • None - do not display any Workflows/Guidelines
    • Show all published workflows/guidelines - display all published Workflows/Guidelines
    • Show featured published workflows/guidelines - show specific Workflows/Guidelines
      1. Select + to activate the Workflow/Guideline drop-down.

      2. From the drop-down list choose the Workflow/Guideline(s) you want to feature:

      3. Select OK to add the Featured Workflow/Guideline(s).
      4. Repeat as required.
      5. Optionally, use the Arrows to change the order of the Workflows/Guidelines.

    • Alternatively, scroll to the end of the view and select Show recently modified workflows/guidelines to display the latest 5 items.

  7. Select Save to update the changes, and X to close the pop-up.